15 Women on The Times They Were Slut-Shamed

So many women are slut-shamed. Even women who aren’t sexually active or sexually promiscuous in any way experience slut-shaming. “Slut shaming is so prevalent because it always has been,” sexologist and author of Single But DatingDr. Nikki Goldstein, tells Bustle. “For generation we have been shaming women for their sexuality and now with the media world it has become more acceptable in a way because the word “slut” nearly feels like a norm.”

It’s not just when we’re children or teenagers that we experience slut-shaming. It happens throughout our lives. It doesn’t matter if we’re sleeping with lots of people, no one, if we’re single or married. We still come in contact with this behavior. “It impacts woman  because they might be acting on their own sexual desires or exploring their sense of self and are told by using that word that they are bad for doing so,” says Dr. Goldstein. “They are experiencing something possibly positive and beautiful and then made to feel guilty for it. It can be very damaging to women and also very conflicting.”

I’d also like to say that finding women who had been slut-shamed was not difficult. Easier still was finding women who had been so traumatized or affected by this slut-shaming that they remembered these occurrences as if they had happened contemporaneously.

Because we all need to hear this: Here are women on the very real times they remember being slut-shamed.

1. Carrie*, 23

“One time I was at a bar in my favorite SEXY SILK ROMPER and this douche lord starts talking to me. We talk for a bit then are like silly dancing and he decides to just shove his tongue down my throat. I push him off and say I don’t like PDA and he responds by going “if you don’t want guys to do that then don’t wear sh*t like that.”

2. Ashley, 26

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