Author: Dr Nikki

Divorce Rates and Covid-19 Pandemic

When Covid-19 first started my phone rang hot. Everyone wanted to know how this was going to impact those in relationships and those trying to date. For the first time since Tinder, we had an element of dating and relationships…

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Do Sex Toys Belong In The Mainstream?

Lately, there has been this shift in sex toys with these pleasure objects becoming more popular in the mainstream. By that I mean we are seeing them advertised more openly and more celebrities and influencers promoting them. We are also…

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You’re Not Perfect And Neither Am I

Even though publicly we seem to embrace imperfection these days, in some areas of our lives we also strive for perfection. But what is perfection? Is there even such a thing and can we define it? One area where I…

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The Most Important Relationship Advice I Learned In 2020

In 2020, two common things happened to relationships. Either people spent more time at home working on them or realised during this time at home that things were not working out. In my personal life, I supported many friends through…

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Warm Up to Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s day is one of those days I feel can set us up for disappointment. Some people feel down because they are single (but being single can be the best fun). Others can feel let down by what they partner…

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The Biggest Mistake We Make In Relationships

I’m asked all the time what I think the biggest things people do wrong in relationships are. I often don’t like limiting people to a wrong and a right as we are all different and so are our relationships. But…

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What Are The Measures Of A Relationship?

It seems most of us want to have a healthy or successful relationship. But what does that mean? Is it being together for a certain period of time? Is it having sex a certain amount per week? Or not having…

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New Year, New Sex Life

Some people like to make resolution at the beginning of a year (and let’s face it, many of these are never kept). But I believe that a new year is the perfect time to work more on your sex life….

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Divorce Day

There is a particular date at the start of the year that has become to be known as “Divorce Day”, a day where people most commonly split up. It might not also just be this day but also this time…

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Wear Sunscreen (And Other Useful Advice)

For me this is a different thing to share. I was listening to the Romeo and Juliet Soundtrack the other day, a way to remind me of positive memories of the past (I used to love listening to that soundtrack…

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