Girls Porn Parody Gets The Diss

Boldfinger, Cirque du Hole-A, Breast Side Story, Crocodile Done Me, Diddle Her On The Roof, Forest Hump, Batman In Robin, are just a few of the many Hollywood hits that have become a victim to the porn industry’s parodies. So it’s no shock that the popular TV series Girls is next. (With all the nudity in that show I thought it was a porno).
However the Hustler filmed parody has received nothing but criticism from star Lena Dunham who released frustrating tweets about “This Ain’t Girls XXX. Dunham tweeted three reasons why she “can’t just laugh off a porn parody” of her show.
1st: “Because Girls is, as it’s core, a feminist action whilst Hustler is a company that markets and monetizes a male’s idea of female sexuality” (Can someone please tell Lena that women watch porn too and there is porn made for our fantasies).
2nd: “Because a big reason I engaged in (simulated) onscreen sex is to counteract a skewed idea of that act created by the proliferation of porn” ( oh because on screen TV sex is always such a great representation of real sex too and isn’t this is ironic considering a condom-poor Girls episode, in which two of the main characters had sex without protection).
3rd: “Because it grosses me out. “(Lena, I hate to tell you but porn was not made to please everyone on this planet and I, like many others have been grossed out by your show at times too – not a solid reason to diss a porno).
I always love a good porn debate because there is always so many issues and ethics involved and everyone has a different opinion. I think it’s healthy to be arguing about this topic and looking at all sides. What I love in this instance though is the response by the Writer/directer of This Ain’t Girls XXX.
“It is interesting that Ms Dunham and her supporters are so quick to condemn a movie that nobody has seen yet,” he wrote. “The men and women who work in adult entertainment have been vilified and victimized so much, especially by right wing conservatives, that most of us find ourselves on the political left, with pro-feminist leanings. To say that all pornography is anti-feminist is a tired cliché which undermines the right of free sexual choices that a liberated women can make for herself.”
The other rebuttal that I loved was of the star in the parody Alex Chance who plays Hannah. When asked about her take on the industry she states “Granted they are sexualizing us, because it’s porn but if I’m in control of what’s happening, I don’t see any wrongness.”
I am against women who are in the porn industry under false pretense or with miss information. However, I have personally come across many actresses and producers who are in this industry and who are in control, empowered and calling the shots. (And yes sometimes even the cum shots) Please note, I do think there is porn out there that is harmful and degrading, however unfortunately due to things such as the Internet we can’t control this industry and we should be categorizing it more closely to protect and promote those companies who producer quality material that supports women.
I can’t properly comment on this movie because I like Lena have not seen it, but like all other parodies, I could imagine it to be a bit of sexy fun. We all have a right to an opinion but sometimes we need to stand back and see thing for what they really are. A movie that is harmful to female’s sexuality or a porno based on a hit TV series?
Happy Porn Watching
Dr Nikki