Tag: anal sex

Wakey Wakey, It’s Danny Lakey | Better Anal Sex

There are not too many avenues where I get to speak about anal sex. It’s one of those subjects that feels so taboo but so many people have questions. Anal is not just a thing done in porn, a way…

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How the Normalization of Anal Sex Has Shifted the Conversation About Consent

What a journey our attitudes towards anal sex have taken over the last few years. From Drake and the butt-eating conundrum, to scientific celebrations of big booties, to pegging on Broad City, to twerking, to Kim Kardashian’s epic shiny rump on the cover of Paper…

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Anal Pleasure Month

Recently we had National Masturbation Month, so why not keep this trend going and welcome Augusts’ Anal Pleasure Month! San Francisco based sex shop, Good Vibrations  has declared August, Anal Pleasure Month by putting together a timeline of the history…

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I received an email last week before my radio segment asking if I could talk about a Throuple. No it’s not an STI, but a term used to describe a relationship between three people, or in the context that we…

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Yes, I am Going To Talk About Anal

The other  weekend I attended a workshop on anal sex by Tristan Taormino, an American sex educator. Whilst most people spent the Easter long weekend with their families eating chocolate ( or matzah balls), I spent mine learning the ins…

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Happy Mardi Gras – But Is It Still Illegal Somewhere To Be Gay?

Tomorrow is the Mardi Gras Parade! One of my favourite times of the year. However, this celebration is one loaded with conflicts and opinions. Everyone has their say, politics comes into action, and sometimes I feel we forget just how…

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Like A Virgin

Virginity! Something we are often too scared to talk about to teens, but really need to be telling them more. Today on Sunrise we spoke about a new controversial reality show in the UK, “ Like a Virgin”, where the…

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