Gone are the days where the word “weed was about teenagers cutting pieces of hoses and making dirty bongs out of drink bottles. I once had to inform my own mother why her hose out the front of the house…
Read article →Gone are the days where the word “weed was about teenagers cutting pieces of hoses and making dirty bongs out of drink bottles. I once had to inform my own mother why her hose out the front of the house…
Read article →One of the perks of my job is being able to have access to some interesting people and I’m not sure why, but throughout the years I have gravitated to those in porn. Mainly because I have become fascinated as…
Read article →Recently, I got asked to speak at an event in support to decriminalising abortion in the state of Queensland. For those of you who might not be aware, abortion in Queensland remains in the criminal code. The only time is…
Read article →We are a society that is overly focused with being sexy. You don’t just have to be attractive and smart these days but sexy too. Even a nail colour or an inanimate object can be sexy. So then isn’t it…
Read article →One of the most common questions I get asked is how you bring the spark back in a relationship, so I was thrilled to be able to do this as a segment topic on The House of Wellness. Everyone is…
Read article →There are not too many avenues where I get to speak about anal sex. It’s one of those subjects that feels so taboo but so many people have questions. Anal is not just a thing done in porn, a way…
Read article →This week marks the completion of 6 months for my shopping diet. Back in January, I knew things had to change. I felt time poor and knew I was spending too much time and money purchasing things I didn’t need….
Read article →Each week I do a segment on a radio show on HitFM called Wakey Wakey it’s Danny Lakey. This week I had just finished dinner with my family and was sitting next to my Mum. Danny (the host) and I…
Read article →In 2016, the UK introduced an initiative to help keep women safe in venues and bars in the Lincolnshire area. It was just a matter of asking a bar staff for Angela and they could be removed from a dangerous…
Read article →When I was asked to do a segment on friendships breakups, I wasn’t expecting the volume of comments that it received. It would seem that in our lives, at some point we have all experienced a friendship ending and still…
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