Tag: dating

What Are The Measures Of A Relationship?

It seems most of us want to have a healthy or successful relationship. But what does that mean? Is it being together for a certain period of time? Is it having sex a certain amount per week? Or not having…

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The Barriers To Forming A Connection

Working on my new podcast “”, I was able to gain access into the lives of my daters and insight into the issues that they faced. Putting this podcast together, we had a plan and an idea of where we…

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How To Date During A Pandemic

Just as I’m about to launch some exciting little projects to do with dating, dating went and changed. It’s no longer single but dating, it’s single but isolated. But with all the changes, it just takes a little while to…

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Warning… Valentine’s Day Is Ahead

It might sound odd that someone who is a relationship expert would be warning you about this day. Aren’t I supposed to be embracing all things love? Well yes, but also this day for me doesn’t always feel like that’s…

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Do you want to share your dating stories with me?

Are you single and struggling in the dating world? Would you like to take part in a brand-new audio series with me? I am looking for single people of any sexual orientation and identity, to take part in a new…

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Are you dating a guy from Bachelor In Paradise?

My latest obsession is Bachelor in Paradise. It’s like watching real life Tinder play out with the backdrop of Fiji. But besides the drama, chaos, love triangles, squares and every other shape, it’s the representations of men that has me…

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A letter to my virgin self

Nikki, I know right now sex seems like such a huge deal, but one day it will be a part of your everyday life. But it isn’t going to always be pretty and it isn’t going to always be how…

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Are you responsible for where you are in your relationship right now?

Where you are in your relationship or even relationship status right now is your responsibility. It might sound harsh, but if you can accept that then you can move forward with life and love and have a better chance at…

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Are negative thoughts destroying your relationship?

It saddens me that as I write this, I feel like there is so much hatred around. And I suppose these days we are exposed to so much more thanks the way we consume media, which feels like it’s non-stop…

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Why Do People Cheat?

Infidelity fascinates me. I don’t want to take any pain away from those who have suffered as a consequence, but my fascination is in the ‘why’. People have made theories and even excuses, but when someone cheats, we all seem…

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