Tag: love

Warning… Valentine’s Day Is Ahead

It might sound odd that someone who is a relationship expert would be warning you about this day. Aren’t I supposed to be embracing all things love? Well yes, but also this day for me doesn’t always feel like that’s…

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Are you dating a guy from Bachelor In Paradise?

My latest obsession is Bachelor in Paradise. It’s like watching real life Tinder play out with the backdrop of Fiji. But besides the drama, chaos, love triangles, squares and every other shape, it’s the representations of men that has me…

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A letter to my virgin self

Nikki, I know right now sex seems like such a huge deal, but one day it will be a part of your everyday life. But it isn’t going to always be pretty and it isn’t going to always be how…

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Are negative thoughts destroying your relationship?

It saddens me that as I write this, I feel like there is so much hatred around. And I suppose these days we are exposed to so much more thanks the way we consume media, which feels like it’s non-stop…

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Financial independence can help women to find balance in love

Today is International Women’s Day and whilst I had an entirely different blog planned, I thought this was the one moment to really celebrate women and the progress we have made. But also, there is a word we need to…

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Could watching ‘Married At First Sight’ be beneficial to your relationship?

Married At First Sight chaos has hit our screen once again and is proving to be the most talked about show on TV, but not always for the right reasons. From a rating perspective, it’s fantastic, but there has been…

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Breaking up with friends

When I was asked to do a segment on friendships breakups, I wasn’t expecting the volume of comments that it received. It would seem that in our lives, at some point we have all experienced a friendship ending and still…

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Feeling the pressure of “I Do”

Dear Dr Nikki, My boyfriend and I have been together for nearly 3 years. I have always been the type of person who goes with the flow, but lately, people have been asking me when are we going to  getting…

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Busting the Myths of Relationship Memes

If you have been following my social media accounts, you will be aware I like a relationship meme. It gives me a chance to share a bit of my mind with followers in short form and on a medium people…

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Ask Dr Nikki – Too Tired For Sex

Hi Dr Nikki, Me and my partner both work full time, exercise a lot and do a lot of extra activities on the side which means our days are long and we’re wrecked by the time we get into bed…

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