Why Slut Shaming Is Wrong ( by a 13 year old girl)

This you tube video was passed around yesterday and considering I just posted an article about women feeling bad at the prospect of sleeping with many men, I felt it was appropriate to share it with you.


I am also amazed and impressed that these words are uttered by a 13 year old girl! If only more 13 year olds could think like her, actually if more people in general could think like her, the world would be a better place.


She might not have a doctorate in Human Sexuality, the right to vote, drive, drink, or has even finished school but this 13 year old girl has a valid point and a maturity I would expect to find or would hope to find in an adult.  You don’t have to be a sexologist to educate people, just an open mind and the courage to voice your opinion!


I could not have said it better myself!

Dr NikkiG



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